Eddie Redmayne scoops Best Actor at this year's BAFTAs

Eddie Redmayne scoops Best Actor at this year's BAFTAs
By Euronews
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Britain’s biggest film awards the BAFTAs have been handed out at London’s Royal Opera House. And newcomer Eddie Redmayne scooped best actor prize for


Britain’s biggest film awards the BAFTAs have been handed out at London’s Royal Opera House.

And newcomer Eddie Redmayne scooped best actor prize for his portrayal of Professor Stephen Hawking in “The Theory of Everything”.

The physicist who is paralysed by motor neuron disease attended the ceremony.

The film also won outstanding British film and adapted screenplay .

The award for leading actress went to Julianne Moore for her role as a linguistics professor grappling with Alzheimer’s disease in “ Still Alice”.

Best film went to the coming-of-age drama “Boyhood”.which was filmed over 12 years with the same cast – in fact it won three awards -including best director for Richard Linklater .

The BAFTAs are often seen as an indication of who is in with a chance of an Oscar – the top prizes in the movie world, due to be handed out in Los Angeles on February 22.

Here is a list of some of the winners:

Best film -: Boyhood
Outstanding British film – The Theory of Everything
Actor – Eddie Redmayne – The Theory of Everything
Actress – Julianne Moore – Still Alice
Supporting actor – JK Simmons – Whiplash
Supporting actress – Patricia Arquette – Boyhood
Director -: Richard Linklater – Boyhood
Adapted screenplay – The Theory of Everything – Anthony McCarten
Original screenplay – The Grand Budapest Hotel – Wes Anderson

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