Celebrations in Burundi as army general attempts coup against president

Celebrations in Burundi as army general attempts coup against president
By Seamus Kearney
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Demonstrations had been taking place for weeks over the president's plans to run for a third five-year term


People in Burundi are out on the streets celebrating the news an army general has attempted to carry out a coup against the country’s leader.

President Pierre Nkurunziza is out of the country, attending a summit of East African leaders in Tanzania.

Demonstrations had been taking place for weeks over the president’s plans to run for a third five-year term.

“President Pierre Nkurunziza has been relieved of his duties, the government has been dissolved,” said the leader of the attempted coup, Major General Godefroid Niyombare.

“Permanent secretaries will have minimal duties in their ministries. We demand that all regional commanders of the military, regional commissioners and all governors work hand in hand with us to reinforce the security for all the citizens of Burundi.”

One man in the capital said: “I am very happy to see that we have managed to remove the president, who tried to change the constitution.

“After all the conflicts in the past, he wanted a third mandate so that he could finish us off. But thanks to the people’s revolution, we have won, we won’t give up.”

It is still not known if the president will attempt to return to Burundi.

There are conflicting reports about whether the general has the support of all soldiers, but it’s reported they entered the main state broadcaster.

Nkurunziza angered his local opponents and western countries when he confirmed this week he would seek a third term.

A court earlier said he had the right to, even though the constitution and a peace accord allow only two presidential terms.

Army general Niyombare, a former ambassador to Kenya, says he is now working on the formation of a transitional government ahead of new elections.

He spoke to reporters at a military barracks in Bujumbura.

“Regarding President Nkurunziza’s arrogance and defiance of the international community, which advised him to respect the constitution and Arusha peace agreement, the committee for the establishment of the national concord decide: President Nkurunziza is dismissed, his government is dismissed too,” he said.

Niyombare was surrounded by several other senior army and police figures, including a former defence minister.

Burundi: UN chief urges calm amid country’s growing political crisis

— UN News Centre (@UN_News_Centre) May 13, 2015

"We suffer because we have nothing. We left without anything." 50,000 have fled #Burundi in the last month

— UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) May 13, 2015

"We need the support of the world to make sure we can do this" #WFP on helping those who have fled #Burundi. See it:

— World Food Programme (@WFP) May 13, 2015

New monkeycageblog</a>: what just happened in Burundi? <a href="">ProfCaraJonesstephrschwartz</a> &amp; <a href="">AliesR explain:

— Laura Seay (@texasinafrica) May 13, 2015

Burundi police use 'live ammunition and tear gas' against protesters as general announces coup attempt

— The Independent (@Independent) May 13, 2015

Military general in Burundi announces coup as crowds celebrate

— Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) May 13, 2015

A Burundi army general says President Pierre Nkurunziza has been ousted:

— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) May 13, 2015

MORE: During 3 weeks of unrest, the military in Burundi has been acting as buffer between police and protesters:

— The Associated Press (@AP) May 13, 2015

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