Entertainment stars speak out for Clinton at US Democratic Convention

Entertainment stars speak out for Clinton at US Democratic Convention
By Euronews
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The Democratic Convention also brought out the support of several entertainment and sports stars for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.


The Democratic Convention also brought out the support of several entertainment and sports stars for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid.

Actress Eva Longoria took at dig at Clinton’s Republican rival whose anti-immigrant stance involves plans to build a wall with Mexico.

“I’m from a small town in South Texas and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico. I’m 9th generation American. My family never crossed a border, the border crossed us. So when Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he is insulting American families,” she said.

A problem for Clinton’s campaign is that Bernie Sanders’ calls for his supporters to back the former secretary of state are falling on deaf ears among some in the hall who booed her name.

Comedian Sarah Silverman had a message for them.

“I mean come on, she’s like the only person ever to be overqualified for a job as the president,” she said. “To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people, you’re being ridiculous.”

Alicia Keys headlined the first night of the convention in Philadelphia.

The Grammy winner who founded a social justice organisation also appeared on a panel to discuss criminal justice reform and civil rights.

And veteran singer-songwriter Paul Simon took to the stage to sing the Simon and Garfunkel classic from 1970 “Bridge Over Troubled Water” whose lyrics could apply to many a political party.

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