Thousands of Argentines participate in mass street tango

Video. Thousands of Argentines participate in mass street tango

Hundreds of couples took to the streets of downtown Buenos Aires on Saturday night, turning a main avenue into a three block open-air tango dance floor. The “Great National Milonga” is a tango music festival, organised to celebrate Tango Day, which commemorates the birth of iconic tango singer Carlos Gardel and composer Julio De Caro, both born on 11 December.

Hundreds of couples took to the streets of downtown Buenos Aires on Saturday night, turning a main avenue into a three block open-air tango dance floor. The “Great National Milonga” is a tango music festival, organised to celebrate Tango Day, which commemorates the birth of iconic tango singer Carlos Gardel and composer Julio De Caro, both born on 11 December.


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