Plaster cast of the erect penis of legendary rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix.

Video. A cast of Jimi Hendrix's penis on display at museum in Iceland

The Icelandic Phallological Museum has just added a new artefact to its vast collection: a plaster cast of the erect penis of legendary rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix.

The Icelandic Phallological Museum has just added a new artefact to its vast collection: a plaster cast of the erect penis of legendary rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix.

The Museum contains a collection of more than two hundred and fifteen penises and penile parts belonging to almost all the land and sea mammals that can be found in Iceland.

It should be noted that the museum has also been fortunate enough to receive legally-certified gift tokens for four specimens belonging to Homo Sapiens.

Altogether the collection contains 282 specimens from 93 different species of animals.

In addition to the biological section of the museum, visitors can view a collection of about 350 artistic oddments and practical utensils related to the museum's theme.

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