It's been a week of tragedies in Ukraine

Video. Fourteen dead and 25 injured in Ukraine helicopter crash

KyivFourteen people died in a helicopter crash in Ukraine including a child and the country's Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrsky.


Fourteen people died in a helicopter crash in Ukraine including a child and the country's Interior Minister, Denys Monastyrsky.

Another 25 including 11 children were wounded when the aircraft came down next to a Kindergarten on the outskirts of the capital Kyiv.


The tragedy came just days after a Russian missile struck an apartment building in Dnipro killing at least 40 people and injuring dozens of others. 

Tens of people were also reported missing according to Ukrainian authorities.

One person was heard shouting for help. It took rescuers nine hours to reach her by which time she was suffering from hypothermia.

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